Why You Need to Install Water Filters in Your Kitchen Faucet

By Gretchen Sunder, 21 Jan 2024

Are you tired, thirsty, and in need of a large cup of cool water, especially after a long walk in the sun? You might need to think twice or thrice before you open your tap and pour a glass full. For many decades now, there has been an assumption that tap water is clean and healthy for use. Unfortunately, this is a far-fetched concept and not close to reality.

Tap water contains plenty of impurities, contaminants, and particles. Such can be attributed to dirty and contaminated pipes for water transmission, skewed purification processes, and sometimes polluted and contaminated water sources.

However, most of these minerals and impurities are invisible. One might mistake the flowing water for being pure and clean simply because it does not look contaminated from the onset.

According to health experts, quality and clean drinking water is important. It is the building block to having good health for everyone across different ages and stages of life. Such knowledge makes it essential to insist that every home be fitted with quality faucets with water filters.

This article will look at some of the reasons you need to install water filters. However, it's important to begin with the basics and define what water filtration is and some factors to consider before investing in any water filtration system.

Water filtration is the process through which contaminants in the form of particles and pollutants are filtered from the water. The process is made possible in two different ways, i.e., through the use of simple water filtering devices such as water filter bottles and house filtration systems.

During the water filtration process, there are several substances to be removed. These are harmful chemicals, bacteria, dust particles, harmful heavy metals, microorganisms, and other organic compounds. They are harmful not only to your body but also to your kitchen appliances and fixtures.

However, before settling on a water filtration method, it is always important to consider certain aspects that will prove useful in determining the right kind of water filter, either for your faucet or house filtration system.

Aspects to Consider Include:

Water contaminants to be filtered.

Water contaminants vary from one region or source to another.

Therefore, it is important that before the process of water filter installation begins, one ought to research the different types of contaminants your water supply comes packaged with. To do this successfully, you'll need the help of water experts who will be able to test and sometimes recommend the best filter for use.

Having an idea of the different contaminants and impurities to remove ensures that one can address the most basic needs and important health concerns related to each.

Installation process

Water filters require both time and money for set-up and installation. However, different processes differ in time and cost from one filter to another, with some that are extremely easy to install and others that are both expensive and hard to buy and install.

The countertop filters might be a perfect option for those looking for a cheap, quick, and easy-to-install system.

However, the under-sink water filters are a great option, especially for those with limited sink space. However, these might require the services of a professional for installation. They might also be more expensive in terms of their initial purchase cost than the countertop filters.

Cost of Maintenance

Water filters contain cartridges that must be replaced and fitted regularly to ensure that the system is working properly and efficiently.

It is important that before making any investment in a water filter, you consider how often the cartridges need to be changed, the method and ease of installation, and the total cost of buying and installing new ones.

Different brands and faucet qualities offer varying after-sale services. Some are willing to incur the cost of delivery and might have discounted offers for replacing old cartridges. If one is strained financially, one might consider such offers and brands before the initial installation.

Such things will come in handy, especially in the long run, helping reduce repair and maintenance costs.

The Size of the Kitchen Space and Faucets

Depending on your kitchen faucets and available working space, fixing water filters can happen either under the sink or on the countertops.

If both your countertops and the space under your sinks are relatively small, you might need to install a water filtration system that can fit into the available spaces.

Be sure to take some time and get the sink specifications and measurements first, and when buying each of the products, ensure that you have the right dimensions that fit with your kitchen faucets.


Have you ever bought something on the road, thinking it matches your designs and colors, only to be disappointed later? Well, your experience is not relatively new. People are always making dire mistakes when it comes to the proper installation of water filters.

Unfortunately, most make these mistakes because they don't value the importance of considering the finish, color, or design. Unfortunately, most end up becoming very frustrated people who hate their overall kitchen outlook and efficiency.

If you are installing water filters, consider buying some with a finish that complements your kitchen hardware and appeals to your overall house outlook. You might as well enjoy having a beautiful working space even as you do different house chores.

Above, we have looked at some important factors to consider in installing a water filter. Now it is only noble if we unravel and discuss some of the reasons why you need to install a water filter.

Reasons Why You Must Install Water Filters in Your Kitchen Faucets.

Water Filtration Ensures Healthy and Better-tasting Water.

The water filtration process involves the removal of contaminants such as chlorine, bacteria, heavy metals, chemicals, and pesticides. When left in the water, each of these can cause it to become contaminated and thus result in an awful taste and smell.

Some water containing different elements, such as sulphur, has a pungent smell like that of some rotten eggs. Water infiltration using water filters in a kitchen faucet makes it possible for such impurities to be purified completely.

Filtered water is better tasting, smelling, and purer, so it's safe for drinking.

People who have installed water filters enjoy clean and better-smelling water, most will find it easy to drink the recommended quantity. Eventually, these individuals will enjoy healthier organs and a healthy body by consuming the right quantities of water.

Quality Water for Cooking and Drinking

Unfiltered waters carry debris and some contaminated sediments. When consumed, they might become harmful to the body and cause certain health-related problems.

Having water filters installed in the kitchen faucets ensures that debris, impurities, and metals such as chlorine are removed, making the water pure and safe for drinking and cooking.

Removal of Lead

Lead is a dangerous metal, and more so in water. The use of kitchen faucet water filters ensures that such metals are removed. This, therefore, means that there's little or no concentration at all of these harmful substances at the point of consumption and thus prevents other health complications.

Reduced Risk of Diseases

Chlorine and its products, such as trihalomethanes in water, cause different types of cancer, such as rectal, colon, and bladder cancer.

Having water filters installed at the kitchen faucet effectively removes the chlorine and is thus a perfect way of helping people reduce their susceptibility to such chronic diseases.

Tap water is also known to contain cryptosporidium, giardia, and e-coli bacteria, which, when consumed, cause gastrointestinal diseases. Having water filters helps to reduce the risks of such diseases by 80% as these harmful bacteria are eliminated at the point of use.

Important for Young Children

Children's immune systems require lots of healthy and pure drinking water. Having water filters in kitchen faucets ensures that clean water is readily available for their consumption.

Balanced Water pH

There are different types of water filters, and each of these functions very distinctly.

Having a carbon water filter helps to remove many contaminants, but it does so while sparing some essential mineral deposits. Some of these minerals are important because they help balance the pH of the drinking water.

The intake of water with the right pH ensures that the body can benefit maximally from different minerals for varying functions and effectiveness.


Have you ever calculated the total cost you invest in when consuming bottled water every now and then, especially if for a couple of months? I am sure you know that this is no mean fete.

According to recent research conducted in the United States of America, different homes and families use billions of dollars to buy bottled water. The only solution to saving some of this cost is the alternative of having healthy and clean tap water.

Different experts have recommended the use of countertop filters, especially for those seeking to reduce the cost of buying water and make good use of tap water.

The countertop filters are effective and will always give better, clean, and healthy water free from toxic waste. These are also useful in helping reduce toxic wastes in the environment.

Elimination of Hard Minerals

Hard water can generally be tough to use, whether for cleaning, laundry, bathing, or even drinking. Sometimes it can also cause rust and corrosion, especially on pipes and other appliances, making replacement necessary from time to time.

The use of water filters in the kitchen faucets helps eliminate some of these harsh chemicals and minerals, such as chlorine and iron, that are responsible for water hardening. Filtered water is generally useful for home use and drinking.

The use of such water filters in the kitchen faucets helps prevent corrosion and saves money on the repair and maintenance of these fixtures and appliances.

Hard water is also hard to lather. One, therefore, uses plenty of soap and detergent even for minor tasks and duties. Having a water filter at the point of use is helpful, especially in reducing water hardness, thus saving costs spent on buying soap and detergents regularly.

Better and Clean Environment

Besides bottled water being too expensive, did you know that the disposal of these bottles is very damaging and harmful to the environment? Unfortunately, plastic bottles do not decompose even after so many years, yet most of these keep finding their way into the rivers and lands.

Unfortunately, when some of these contaminated waters from the rivers are consumed by animals and humans, diseases and death are inevitable.

Having water filters installed in kitchen faucets ensures that there's little or no use of bottles since one can use recycled cups and glasses. The reduced use of bottled water helps reduce water pollution from the disposal of these bottles and thus safeguards animals' lives, especially aquatic and marine ones.

Smooth Skin and Surfaces

Hard and contaminated water is rough on your skin and leaves soap residue on your hands after cleaning the dishes or washing the sink counters.

Installing water filters in your kitchen faucet helps eliminate some of these contaminants and minerals, leaving your skin feeling smoother, less dry, and itchy.

Sometimes mineral build-up on sinks and other surfaces can cause the sinks and surfaces to have soap scums and scale. When these scales and scum are not properly dealt with, they might lead to clogging and eventually breakdown and thus making repairs necessary.

Such repairs are expensive, both in terms of buying new sinks or repairing the broken parts or the total cost of plumbing and hiring professional services.

Having water filters installed for the kitchen faucet ensures that minerals that could clog and damage the sink are removed.

Still wondering whether to install a water filter on your kitchen faucet?

Besides all the benefits we have discussed above of having water filters, it is important to state that water filters are easy to change, require low maintenance, and most of them are durable.

Therefore, even though the initial cost might be extremely high, there are massive benefits that accrue, especially over a prolonged period of time. Think of the convenience of having clean and pure water flowing from a tap and compare that with the inconveniences of a polluted environment, compromised health, and financial implications of not having the same.

I am sure by now you have a great answer that having water filters in your kitchen faucet is an investment worth your time and money. So go ahead and find the right and best one.

We wish you all the best in finding and installing the right type of water filter for your kitchen faucet. Be sure to check our article on the different types of water filters available in the market. You might find it relevant and useful before making any choice. All the best!

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